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Specializing in Facilitation and Training for Groups and Teams
Team Development/Learning:
Understanding team dynamics and personality style differences; building trust, morale and purpose; enhancing performance; building mission and action plans.
Team or Organizational Retreats:
Rejuvenation for professionals in non-profit, human service, and educational sectors. ​Overcoming challenges, setting vision/mission, managing stress, and preventing burn-out.
Leadership and Professional Trainings:
Building Conflict Competence, Managing Change, Giving Effective Feedback, Communicating Clearly, Developing a Team, Becoming a Supervisor, Enhancing Customer Service
Tools and Resources for Trainings
Change Style Indicator and Change Navigator for change management
Visual Explorer Tool
Wheel of Life Tool
MBTI assessment for Teams (also DiSC and FIRO-B)
Values in Action positive psychology tool
and much more

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